Thursday, December 25

Friday, December 19

Today school closed for the winter holidays!! I feel sad to leave the students for two whole weeks but I'm thrilled to be free for this time too. It's still winter in Victoria and more snow seems to be heading our way. I'm planning meals for the next few days so there will be no need to venture into the chaos for a bit. I look forward to snuggling in and feeling cozy at home in the coming days.
It's late to share this link but I found the sweetest online advent calendar by Hanna Konola, via fine little day. Great idea.

Monday, December 15

It's winter in Victoria!! It snowed over the weekend and it looks like it's staying. I'll be travelling on foot until the streets clear so today, during a slippery hike, I fantasized about my dream boots from duckfeet. I discovered these lovelies through the Swedish blog, Liebling allsorts. They aren't sold in Canada so I'm not able to try them on but I've never been so tempted to take the plunge. We'll see. Winter Break starts in a few short days so I'll post some pics from my most recent crafting adventures once gift exchanges have occurred.                                           Good night.

Monday, December 1

Today I wanted to share with you some bike/fashion love from The Sartorialist. I love some of the leather bike accessories but don't know how they'd fare in Victoria's wet weather.